Ching Yan 情人 Lyric - Beyond (Cantonese)

Ching Yan 情人 Lyric - Beyond (Cantonese). Hi al of visitors. On this occasion we'll share :"Ching Yan 情人 Lyric - Beyond (Cantonese)." we hope that you like this Ching Yan 情人 Lyric - Beyond (Cantonese).

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  • Ching Yan 情人 Lyric - Beyond (Cantonese)
  • Ching Yan 情人 Lyric - Beyond (Cantonese)

    Paan mong nei moot yau wai ngoh yau joi do am jung tong lui
    我不想留低 你的心空虚
    Ngoh bat seung lau dai nei dik sam hung hui
    Paan mong nei bit joi yeung ngoh jeung booi foo taai sam dik jui
    我的心如水 你不必痴醉
    Ngoh dik sam yue sui nei bat bit chi jui
    Woo 你可知 谁甘心归去
    Woo nei hoh ji sui gam sam gwai hui
    你与我之间 有谁
    Nei yue ngoh ji gaan yau sui

    是缘是情是童真 还是意外
    Si yuen si ching si tung jan waan si yi ngoi
    有泪有罪有付出 还有忍耐
    Yau lui yau jui yau foo chut waan yau yan noi
    是人是墙是寒冬 藏在眼内
    Si yan si cheung si hon dung chong joi ngaan noi
    有日有夜有幻想 无法等待
    Yau yat yau ye yau waan seung mo faat dang doi

    Paan mong ngoh bit hui hau wooi gung nei joi yuen fong seung jui
    每一天望海 每一天相对
    Mooi yat tin mong hoi mooi yat tin seung dui
    Paan mong nei yin yi moot yau yeung ngoh bit hui dik hung gui
    我即使离开 你的天空里
    Ngoh jik si lei hoi nei dik tin hung lui

    Repeat *

    Repeat Chorus

    多少春秋风雨改 多少崎岖不变爱
    Doh siu chun chau fung yue goi doh siu kei kui bat bin oi
    Doh siu dik hei hui dik nei joi yan hoi

    Repeat Chorus

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