STYLE-TAYLOR SWIFT. Hi al of beloved visitors. This time we will share :"STYLE-TAYLOR SWIFT." i hope that you like this song lyric.

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    Lirik lagu STYLE-TAYLOR SWIFT arti atau terjemahannya

    Midnight, you come and pick me up
    Tengah malam, kau datang dan menjemputku
    No head lights
    Tanpa lampu depan
    Long drive, could end in burning flames or paradise
    Perjalanan panjang, bisa berakhir di kobaran api atau surga
    Fading off you, it's been a while since I have even heard from you 
    Memudar, sudah lama sekali sejak terakhir kudengar kabarmu
    I should just tell you to leave cause I
    Harusnya kusuruh saja kau pergi karena aku
    Know exactly where it leads but I
    Tahu pasti kemana tujuannya tapi 
    Watch us go round and round each time
    Kusaksikan kita terus berputar-putar

    You got that James Dean day dream look in your eye
    Ada mimpi hari James Dean terlihat matamu
    And I got that red lip classic thing that you like
    Dan ada warna merah klasik di bibirku yang kau suka
    And when we go crashing down, we come back every time
    Dan saat kita runtuh, kita pun selalu kembali
    Cause we never go out of style
    Karena kita tak pernah mati gaya
    We never go out of style
    Kita tak pernah mati gaya

    You got that long hair, slicked back, white t-shirt
    Rambutmu hitam panjang, disisir ke belakang, berkaos putih 
    And I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt
    Dan aku gadis berkeyakinan baik dan rok sedikit ketat
    And when we go crashing down, we come back in every time
    Dan saat kita runtuh, kita selalu kembali
    Cause we never go out of style
    Karena kita tak pernah mati gaya
    We never go out of style
    Kita tak pernah mati gaya

    So it goes
    Maka terjadilah
    He can't keep his wild eyes on the road
    Dia tidak bisa menjaga mata liarnya di jalan
    Takes me home
    Mengantarku pulang
    Lights are off, he's taking off his coat
    Lampu padam, dia lepaskan mantelnya
    I say I heard that you been out and about with some other girl
    Kukatakan kudengar kau hampir bersama dengan gadis lain
    Some other girl
    Gadis lain
    He says, what you've heard is true but I
    Dia mengatakan, yang kau dengar itu benar namun aku
    Can't stop thinking about you and I
    Tak bisa berhenti memikirkan tentang kau dan aku
    I said I've been there too a few times
    Kukatakan aku juga beberapa kali pernah mengalaminya

    You got that James Dean day dream look in your eye
    Ada mimpi hari James Dean terlihat matamu
    And I got that red lip classic thing that you like
    Dan ada warna merah klasik di bibirku yang kau suka
    And when we go crashing down, we come back every time
    Dan saat kita runtuh, kita pun selalu kembali
    Cause we never go out of style
    Karena kita tak pernah mati gaya
    We never go out of style
    Kita tak pernah mati gaya

    You got that long hair, slicked back, white t-shirt
    Rambutmu hitam panjang, disisir ke belakang, berkaos putih 
    And I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt
    Dan aku gadis berkeyakinan baik dan rok sedikit ketat
    And when we go crashing down, we come back in every time
    Dan saat kita runtuh, kita selalu kembali
    Cause we never go out of style
    Karena kita tak pernah mati gaya
    We never go out of style
    Kita tak pernah mati gaya

    Take me home
    Antar aku pulang
    Just take me home
    Antar saja aku pulang
    Just take me home
    Antar saja aku pulang

    You got that James Dean day dream look in your eye
    Ada mimpi hari James Dean terlihat matamu
    And I got that red lip classic thing that you like
    Dan ada warna merah klasik di bibirku yang kau suka
    And when we go crashing down, we come back every time
    Dan saat kita runtuh, kita pun selalu kembali
    Cause we never go out of style
    Karena kita tak pernah mati gaya
    We never go out of style
    Kita tak pernah mati gaya

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